Since the creation of our project, it has been funded at our expense. It would be appropriate to say that we did not even think that it would turn into something more than just an informative site)). During the existence of the Veterano Service project, we organized fairs and forums that fostered the familiarity of the veterans and the development of their business. But the most important achievement is the cooperation of our participants from the whole country! It's a happiness - to bring together the best people))
So, in order to grow and develop, our project needs your help. Now you can become part of our project by financing the emergence of a new site. We invite you to grow and promote even more and better growth of the business of veterans. When transferring funds, please indicate "charity".
Вибачте, але патріотичний сервіс не підтримує мову окупантів.
Ми добре пам'ятаємо, як орки лізли на нашу землю під гаслами "защіти рускагаварящіх". На цій, ще не закінченій війні, уже загинуло більше 10 тисяч наших побратимів і просто цивільних людей...